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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

O the Woe when we aren't together

Tonight I person two of the second party ( I believe that is how it should be put... no matter) I was the reason we were not able to participate in our weekly Time’ Worthy Tuesdays. So here are my humble apologies for causing this terrible disaster.
My day was normal. Actually better than normal I ran a mile with no pain then went on to school with my endorphins pumping! (Endorphins make people happy! And happy people don’t just kill someone!!!!) I attended play practice from 3pm-10pm which is indeed the cause for my absence on this Tuesday evening. The play is going rather well. It is hysterical there were moments where I was crying because of its humorous moments.
I would love to explain mort in depth as to its humor but it is necessary that I go and write a research paper. So farewell my fellow friends! I missed you all tonight.

Dearest Physician... Come home :)

1 comment:

  1. The party of the second part is forgiven of her absence from last Tuesdays scheduled meeting. After enjoying the humorous production in the aforementioned post, one must whole-heartedly agree that her time away was well spent.
