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Monday, November 29, 2010

Yummmmm pretzels


tHe PrETzeL MaKErs

The Beautiful Ladies and they match!

 ACTION SHOT! The girl in the green shirt always complains about how the girl in the white shirt has too much water on her pretzels.

Gotta love family

ACTION SHOT! Yes it smells that bad!

and a video from a previous week which was unfortunately had to be removed under threat of death

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Of Pretzels & Perms

We had a new member join us tonight.  It was quite a delight.  One needed a perm and the other fascilitated.  Unfortunately the stench from the perm solution nearly overwhelmed the wonderful aroma of baking pretzels.  Essays were graded, hair was permed and pretzels were baked.  What a well rounded group we have!! 

THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!!  That was the much debated topic of the night.  3 to 1 say that Ryan Reynolds should most definitely NOT have won.  He's cute, attractive, whatever - but NOT the Sexiest Alive!!  James Franco, Enrique Iglesias, Matthew McConaughey, or Josh Duhamel even, but come on....  So yeah, that we a brief description of our evening. 

Sexiest Man Alive? YESSSSS I THINK SO! (not only is he sexy he is an incredible actor. example... Camille)
Considered Sexiest Man Alive. I agree he is sexy but sexiest??? Sexier face and maybe he would win.

Here are other men that we believe are more attractive and just down right sexier than Ryan Renolds.

If you don't agree feel free to post your comments.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Anthem of Tuesday Nights

Seemingly every Tuesday,
A group of girls impressive,
Meet to get away,
From life’s dulls oh so excessive.

They enjoy a ball of cheese,
A movie or show on tv,
Laugh as much as they please,
And savor a spot of tea.

As the night grows long,
Responsibility calls,
They’ve known it all along,
To bed themselves they must haul.

With a shout of “zapatos”
And a promise for next week,
They know no night comes close,
To their meetings so unique.

**I get bored at work sometimes**

Oh oh oh I wanna go CRAZY, you can CRAZY too!

Van: “What’s a Bar Mitzvah anyway?”
Reba: “It’s like a sweet 16 party, only it’s for a Jewish boy who is turning 13.”
Van: “It’s ok, you can just say you don’t know.”


So on this humble Tuesday evening, we enjoyed some episodes of Reba while waiting for our final member to arrive home from basketball practice.  The above quote was courtesy of one of those episodes.  After she arrived and we finished our episodes we decided to watch “The Family Stone” – it’s a Christmas movie and was rather funny.  I’ve included our quotes from the night, so you can enjoy them too!


A: “American made chocolate just isn’t as good.”
C: “We’re not supposed to be good at making chocolate; we’re good at making porn.” [She continues talking as if nothing out of the ordinary had been said.]
C: “We’re not supposed to be good at making chocolate; we’re good at making corn.”


“I had a dream about you last night.”
“Oh yeah, what was I doing in the dream?”
“You were shoveling snow, and I was the snow – you just scooped me up.”

Anyway, enough of the memorable quotes for now - J We need to go to the beach!  The beach in January is definitely one of life’s simple pleasures for those who live in the northern hemisphere.  Because as we all know, those in the southern hemisphere have winter in June…  Of course living at the equator you could go to the beach year round.   


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

O the Woe when we aren't together

Tonight I person two of the second party ( I believe that is how it should be put... no matter) I was the reason we were not able to participate in our weekly Time’ Worthy Tuesdays. So here are my humble apologies for causing this terrible disaster.
My day was normal. Actually better than normal I ran a mile with no pain then went on to school with my endorphins pumping! (Endorphins make people happy! And happy people don’t just kill someone!!!!) I attended play practice from 3pm-10pm which is indeed the cause for my absence on this Tuesday evening. The play is going rather well. It is hysterical there were moments where I was crying because of its humorous moments.
I would love to explain mort in depth as to its humor but it is necessary that I go and write a research paper. So farewell my fellow friends! I missed you all tonight.

Dearest Physician... Come home :)

NOT a Time-Worthy Tuesday

Due to prior commitments (school play) on the party of the 3rd part, the party of the first part is stuck at home with nothing to do.  The toilets and sinks in the house are now quite clean though.  AND the candles in the pumpkins have been lit - other than that, I'm waiting for the party of the second part to come home from nannying so CASTLE can be viewed.

It's really a wonderful show...

Makes me laugh....

Contemplating spray-painting the fan.... But it's cold and dark out and I'm just not really in the mood.  Maybe I'll research old Marilyn Monroe movies.  The party of the 2nd part and the party of the 1st part (that would be me) watched "How to Marry a Millionare" and it was absolutely fantastic.  Maybe next Tuesday we will watch it since M&J will not be airing until Spring.  I'm boring myself, so for now, I bid you adieu.....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ode to Our Bald Headed Domestic Friends

My bald headed domestic friend
I will love you to the end.

Your head glistens with the light of day
I cannot turn my eyes away!

You make me smile with your lack of hair.
We will still be chums even if your head is bare.

Your head is simply unadorned,
But do not be forlorn

My bald headed domestic friend
I will love you to the end.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day with Joe Trippi

No really, there's some guy named Joe Trippi!!!   Isn't that just the coolest name ever!  We had some terrible news today.  [Brace yourselves] MELISSA & JOEY IS ON HOLD UNTIL SPRING 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Apparently, ABC only "requested" 10 episodes.  The show is fantastic so thankfully they've ordered 20 more epsiodes!  But... it wont be out for 6 more months!!!  Since the election is over we're finally working on our prank for the cranky neighbor.  We'll have to let you know how that turns out!  So here's some great jokes we heard tonight....

  • How do you make a pumpkin into a vegetable?  Throw it in the air and you get a squash!!!  *Courtesy of our grandmother
  • Why did the Pope cross the road?  Because he crosses everything!!
  • If you ever think of taking up cross-country skiing, pick a small country!!
  • Just in time for election day!  Pelosi, Obama and Reid are on a boat and it sinks.  Who is saved?  AMERICA!!!
Well without Melissa & Joey there's not much to say.  We're watching Reba reruns... It's about the next best thing....